About me
Dani is the UEN product manager overseeing leadership training, the principal’s Ed Tech Endorsement, and the Utah Tech Leaders Network (UTTLN). She is enthusiastic about supporting educators in developing their leadership capacity, advancing their research skills, and integrating digital citizenship into everyday teaching. She has served on Utah's Digital Wellness, Citizenship, and Safe Technology Commission and was the Utah Coalition for Education Technology president. Before joining UEN, Dani was a School Technology Specialist and Elementary Teacher for the Granite School District. She has a doctorate in Educational Leadership and Policy, a Master's in Instructional Design and Educational Psychology, and a Bachelor's in Elementary Education from the University of Utah, where she is currently an Adjunct Instructor for the IDET Program. Dani has a K-12 administrative license and an EdTech Endorsement. She is an ISTE Certified Educator and a Certified Educational Technology Leader (CETL).