Ignition! Join us on June 4th & 5th at West Field High School - Remember to sign in with your @wsd.net email address.
Wednesday, June 4


Choice and Voice with Google FormsRob Bentley Design Thinking in Canvas: Make it BeautifulKatie Blunt Developing Digital DetectivesDani Sloan Google Sheets in Every Classroom: Data DrivenRob Bentley Navigating the Information Jungle: Strategies for Teaching Information LiteracyDani Sloan PCBL + TechLora Gibbons Personalized Competency-Based LearningLora Gibbons Session 1 - Amber HodgesAmber Hodges Session 1 - Brent LudlowBrent Ludlow Session 1 - Cathy WallCathy Wall Session 1 - Chad SaundersChad Saunders Session 1 - Christopher MaagChristopher Maag Session 1 - Dallen RhyasenDallen Rhyasen Session 1 - Felicia BedwellFelicia Bedwell Session 1 - Heidi ThornockHeidi Thornock Session 1 - Jacob HarrisonJacob Harrison Session 1 - Jaime LundJaime Lund Session 1 - Jessica OlsenJessica Olsen Session 1 - JJ PessettoJJ Pessetto Session 1 - Jordan ReichardJordan Reichard Session 1 - Justin ShawJustin Shaw Session 1 - Leslie WentzLeslie Wentz Session 1 - Melissa JudkinsMelissa Judkins Session 1 - Patricia NeilsonPatricia Neilson Session 1 - Shawn PotokarShawn Potokar Session 1 - Shelese WarrenShelese Warren Session 1 - Tamara RichTamara Rich Session 1 - Tami JonesTami Jones Session 1 - Tammie HansenTammie Hansen Session 2 - Amber HodgesAmber Hodges Session 2 - Brent LudlowBrent Ludlow Session 2 - Cathy WallCathy Wall Session 2 - Chad SaundersChad Saunders Session 2 - Christopher MaagChristopher Maag Session 2 - Dallen RhyasenDallen Rhyasen Session 2 - Felicia BedwellFelicia Bedwell Session 2 - Heidi ThornockHeidi Thornock Session 2 - Jacob HarrisonJacob Harrison Session 2 - Jaime LundJaime Lund Session 2 - Jessica OlsenJessica Olsen Session 2 - JJ PessettoJJ Pessetto Session 2 - Jordan ReichardJordan Reichard Session 2 - Justin ShawJustin Shaw Session 2 - Leslie WentzLeslie Wentz Session 2 - Melissa JudkinsMelissa Judkins Session 2 - Patricia NeilsonPatricia Neilson Session 2 - Shawn PotokarShawn Potokar Session 2 - Shelese WarrenShelese Warren Session 2 - Tamara RichTamara Rich Session 2 - Tami JonesTami Jones Session 2 - Tammie HansenTammie Hansen The LEARNing Lab LibraryAmy Hall • Jen Slater • Tara Truscott Unlocking Students' Potential: Personalized LearningKatie Blunt

7:00am MDT

8:00am MDT

11:00am MDT

Thursday, June 5


7:00am MDT

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