Ignition! Join us on June 4th & 5th at West Field High School - Remember to sign in with your @wsd.net email address.
Thursday June 5, 2025 TBA
  • Certification Hours:  This is the place where people can come and pick up their certificate that indicates certification hours earned by attending the LEARN conference.  We will handle printing those out and making them available to participants.  
  • SUU Credit Explanation--This is the place where educators can learn more about the SUU credit offerings.  Educators can ask questions, sign up for the LEARN Attendance credit and sign up for the LEARN Book Club.  There will be an incentive offered (a cookie or a donut or a fancy pen) and everyone who comes to visit that table will get an explanation of SUU credit and an incentive.
  • SUU Credit Help--This is a place where participants can get ideas about how to complete the SUU courses.  Facilitators will show how to access the SORA book bundles, how to get School AI certifications, ideas of ways to use AI in the classroom, ways to integrate School AI with Adobe Express, Canva and Destiny.
  • Individualized Help and Suggestions:  Participants can sign up (or come in unannounced) to get hands-on help with their classrooms.  Facilitators will talk with participants about what they teach and the teaching style that the teacher uses and facilitators will suggest and work with teachers to make plans about resources that can be used to increase student learning.  Some resources that will be discussed and encouraged to embed in classrooms:
    • Literacy Bundle:  Utilizing SORA, Utah Online Library, Follett and Scrible to increase literacy in any classroom.
    • School AI Bundle:  Sit with teachers and talk about prompts, spaces and tools that can help streamline classroom management and teacher workload.
    • Presentation Bundle:  Work with teachers to discover a variety of ways to help students present in class.  Talk about Slide deck options, Adobe Express, Canva, Padlet.

avatar for Amy Hall

Amy Hall

Librarian, Weber School District
Amy Hall has been teaching in Weber District for the last 23 years. She has been a junior high Language Arts teacher and most recently a librarian. Curriculum development and library advocacy are two of her passions and she loves working with junior high students. When she isn't at... Read More →
avatar for Jen Slater

Jen Slater

Librarian, Weber School District
I am living the dream at Weber High serving students and teachers as a Library Media teacher. I am in my 4th year here and taught ELA for 1 year in Box Elder school district. I just finished my masters degree in technology and learning. I have the best job in the world helping students... Read More →

Tara Truscott

Librarian, Weber School District
Tara has worked for Weber School District for the last 7 years doing multiple jobs. She has taught English to 7th and 8th graders for the last 3 years. Beginning this school year, she has started working her dream job of a librarian at South Ogden Jr. High.
Thursday June 5, 2025 TBA

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